The Plimsoll Rating enables you to identify 9 out of 10 failing companies 2 years in advance
Gain an instant opinion on the largest companies in the world through the Plimsoll Global Analysis. Each company is individually rated allowing you to see who is flourishing and who is heading for danger.
The Plimsoll Rating enables you to identify 9 out of 10 failing companies 2 years in advance
Choose the relevant Plimsoll Analysis for your Global industry and you will get an instant opinion on the financial health and prospects of the largest, most important companies. Each major company will have been rated as Strong, Good, Mediocre, Caution or Danger. These ratings will let you quickly see who is flourishing, who is heading for failure, what the strong are doing differently and much more.
No company escapes the Plimsoll Rating - 9 out of 10 companies currently in administration were rated "Danger" by Plimsoll up to 2 years prior to their demise.
The Plimsoll Chart is a very accurate way to measure overall financial strength and performance change year on year. I use it to identify distressed and poorly run companies.

Jonathon Jones | Commercial Director | Tregothnan